Support Us
Monetary donations also accepted via Venmo: @Shari-Montana
If you prefer to mail a donation via cash or check, you may send it to us at:
River Pines Horse Sanctuary
120 River Pines Road
Missoula, Montana 59804
If a particular horse sparks a connection, you can choose to sponsor them on a monthly basis, or donate an in-kind gift from our Needs Registry.
Most of all, we’d love it if you would consider becoming a monthly donor, anything from $5-$100/month, as this greatly helps us in planning ahead.
2024 Hay Campaign
As an equine sanctuary, our biggest expense by far is hay. Our twenty current sanctuary residents will go through about 90 tons of hay this year. The average cost for alfalfa hay in the U.S. reached record highs in 2022, and we’ve seen our hay costs rise significantly in the past few years.
Our projected budget for hay from July 2024 to July 2025 is $30,000.
Help us reach our goal by making a donation today.
Help Us Registry: Wish, Wants, & Needs List
Do you want to support the rescue without donating funds directly? Help the horses by donating an In-Kind gift. Please contact our office via phone at 406-207-6105 or 406-304-6433 or email to schedule delivery or pick-up times.
Horse Quality, Barn-Stored Grass or grass/alfalfa Hay – 120 tons
Equine Senior
Empower Boost or equivalent for weight gain and maintenance
LMF Super Supplement
Triple Crown Low Starch
4 new Feeder/shelters
16'x16' Vet and Ferrier covered/enclosed work space w/concrete floor and rubber mats; w/wash rack
2-4 Vet stalls for health needs
12'-16' foot rails for perimeter fence - quantity no limit as they must be replaced frequently
4-16' foot Gates
1 large and 1 small Hay shed
Covered round Pen or Indoor 80x100 foot indoor arena for year round use
Clean Fill Dirt
Gravel Drive
Additional acreage (17 acres adjacent to the current sanctuary is available for purchase)
Heavy-duty truck capable of pulling a 3-horse gooseneck trailer. Needs to be in very good condition, preferably with no more than 100K mileage
Heavy duty flatbed truck for hauling feed, lumber and other sanctuary supplies; pull the hay trailer
Sturdier hay trailer
8' Tine Harrow
More fabric pieces for our chain harrow
VET SUPPLIES - ongoing needs
3-Inch Elastikon
3M 4-inch Vet Wrap (assorted colors)
Bute powder
Easy Boots or equivalent, all sizes
We have lots right now
Bagged wood shavings
Muck buckets
Standard muck bucket carts
Copy paper/white
Toner cartridges for HP LaserJet ProMFP M281cdw – black and color
Postage Stamps for nonprofit use
Horse manager – paid employee at 30 hours/week @ $15/hourly or $1,875/monthly salary
Facility Manager – paid employee at 30 hours/week @ $15/hourly or $1,875/monthly salary
Volunteer Coordinator - paid employee at 30 hours/week @ $15/hourly or $1,875/monthly salary​
Annual Budget
RPHS Annual Expenses Summary
Projected Annual Expenses = $8,125.00/month
+ $26,400.00 for hay/24 horses for one year at the current prices - please note this is a monthly need of $2,200.00
+ $4,200.00 grain & vitamins, annual
+ $4,500.00 senior feed
+ Annual vaccinations - $1,300.00 needed
+ Special ferrier expenses - $2,100 for 3 horses this year
+ Regular Ferrier expenses - $3,850.00 for this year for normal trimming, no shoes
+ Dewormer $624.00 annually
+ $2,000.00 for Horse care products such as fly spray, detangler, shampoo, over-the-counter meds and bandages,etc.
+ $4,400.00 annual tractor fuel and maintenance
+ $6,000.00 for Truck maintenance and fuel - to haul feed and horse trailer
+ $4,600.00 for utilities, includes auto waterers & pasture irrigation
In addition:
Not in our budget yet, but we desperately need a full time employee to help with horse care and facility management as our volunteers can't meet the need at a salary of $30,960.00/year (as a socially responsible organization we hope to pay a living wage here in Montana of $15.00/hour for this important job and act of love.).
River Pines Horse Sanctuary is over-full, due to 6 dire-need horses saved from the kill pens in 2018 - we are 4 horses over our maximum capacity/residency of 20 horses, and we have more desperate horses on our waiting list. We need additional land, help and cash in order to save more horses...